Formerly TouringPlans Travel

Hello, I'm Jacque.
My earliest travel memories include a '77 VW van, 8 rambunctious kids, two parents, and the soundtracks of Neil Diamond and The Kingston Trio. As a family, we would regularly pile into NellyBell and go wherever she could take us.
When I was 18 years old, I joined my parents on a business trip to the New England area. As I visited the places I had only read about in Mr. Gillette's Social Studies class, the world became smaller and more vibrant and an unquenchable spark was ignited. I wanted to see the world!
While raising our five children, my husband and I made it a priority to make memories at Disney Theme Parks as often as possible...and as our kids have gotten older, we have added the thrill of experiencing the cultures of various countries in their native lands. I still want to see the world!
Some of my favorite travel experiences include:
Making concrete on a dirt road for a home in the Dominican Republic
Walking the beaches of Normandy, France
Singing with a small group in the tiny church of Oberndorf, Austria, where Silent Night was written and first performed
I love to help my clients plan their own dream vacations - whether it is observing the Alaska bear population wake after their winter hibernation, making ceviche with locals on the Fijian beach, or touring their ancestral lands of Scotland - the possibilities are endless!
There is so much to see and do; it's time to get out there and see it!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.